
Triple qualification of our translators guarantees that our translations are culturally and technically perfect.

First of all, our translators only translate into their own native languages. They are therefore eminently familiar not only with the linguistics of the target language, but also with the culture.

Secondly, they have had professional training as translators, interpreters or copywriters.

Thirdly, they are experts in their respective fields, as in the professions of medicine, law, chemistry, physics or engineering. We have specialists for a wide variety of fields of expertise, such as electrical engineering and machine construction, medicine, medical technology and pharmacy, IT, software and website localization, patent law, contract law and other legal subjects, business administration and economics.

Our work itself has always been more convincing
than all the words that might be said about it. For twenty years.

Individual, personal choice of translator

The first step our in-house team will take after your order has been placed is to choose the best translator or team of translators for the relevant field and planned language combination, taking account of your specific wishes.

If they are native speakers of the language and have the necessary technical knowledge, our in-house team will personally attend to the translation. Otherwise we will assign the job to an appropriately qualified translator or team from our continually evaluated, worldwide pool of translators and supervise their work.

In the case of more than one language combination, large-volume files such as manuals, and/or tight deadlines, we will put together a suitable team of translators and coordinate their collaboration, often by making use of translation memory tools.

Under no circumstances do we leave the choice of the translator to a computer program, but instead seek just the right people for the specific task. We are always personally at your service.

Translating means understanding.


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Fax +49 (0) 40 40 19 56 21