Whether print, video, subtitles or sound recording, your personal project manager from our in-house team will help you prepare your multimedia content and products for the international market.
Marketing materials, online content, software, computer games, e-manuals, e-learning, webinars, YouTube videos – whenever your documents and moving images should take flight in other countries and cultures and have the effect you desire, one of the full-time professional translators from our in-house team will take care of choosing and coordinating the right experts from the worldwide pool of technical translators and film experts we have built up over the course of many years.
We want you to be well received everywhere.
+49 40 40195620 mail@mahrt-fachuebersetzungen.de
Whether you need transcription, translation, subtitles, dubbing or voice-over, we will advise you and organize whatever implementation you desire.
Let’s say you have created moving images, a video in your company language, which you would like to use in other countries and cultures. Or you have a video in a foreign language which you would like to put to use for your company and products.Then please read our sections regarding transcript, translation, subtitles, dubbing or voice-over.
Tel. +49 (0) 40 40 19 56 20
Fax +49 (0) 40 40 19 56 21